One of my Favorite Images of All Time!
Several years ago we were having an 80's themed party for the youth group at our church. All the leaders were asked to provide a picture of themselves from the 80s to entertain the youth.
I went into our albums and found this little treasure:
1988 - me and my husband, when we were dating in high school, on a car in the Homecoming Parade. Doesn’t he have a great mullet? Yes, I married my High School (Middle School) Sweetheart! Also, we DID have color film too. lol
This got me thinking;
What if I didn't have a print of this?
Where would I find it?
Would I remember that it existed?
Would I ever see it again?
This image has brought me so much joy as I revisit those exciting, fun days from our high school years. It brings me right back to that day in the fall, the excitement of Homecoming week, the coolness of that fall afternoon, the anticipation of the Friday night game, and the gathering with friends afterward. I remember how I felt that day, butterflies in my stomach, thrilled to be on the court with my hot boyfriend, nervous about being in front of the whole town as we rode through the parade route. Many sweet memories come to my mind when I look at this image and they are all mine to enjoy and relish in.
This image is so much more precious to us and our children now, 36 years later! Knowing what I know now, I can honestly say it is priceless to me.
As a Professional Photographer, I love being able to create and provide finished artwork that you can display in your home and enjoy with your family for many years to come.
Family is forever, and your precious memories and history should be forever. That is why, as a portrait studio owner, I strive to create images that will forever bring the recollection of sweet memories, a smile to your face, and a sensation of deep gratitude for the blessings in your life.
I've wrestled with the idea of generations of people who may not have tangible images to hold in their hands and bring joy to their hearts.
My mission is to enhance the hearts and lives of the families I photograph through beautifully finished, personalized fine art of their landmarks, milestones, seasons, and lives.